Week 005 - 8 kilos dropped - One big bag of dog food !

Here it is... 
My first big milestone picture.

One big bag of dog food - 8 kilos !

This is the first of many of my milestone pics.

So why use a big bag of dog food?

My ultimate goal is to lose 96 kilos to get back to my year 2000 weight of under 90 kg.
- Broken up, that is 12 x 8 kg bags of dog food.
- Each bag of dog food is an excellent visual representation of the weight I have lost.

Plus, it makes an awesome celebration pic when you reach each of those goals.

You can check out my other dog food milestones -
- 16 kilos = One big bag of dog food - Blog post with picture
- 24 kilos = Three big bags of dog food - Blog post with picture and video

I love my milestone pics.

They are a visual reminder of my journey.
They remind me of how much weight I PHYSICALLY carried around on my body - 24 x 7.

It can be difficult to visualise how heavy something actually is, and even harder to visualise how much weight I have lost.

I have so much weight to lose, it really can be daunting sometimes to fully comprehend how well I have progressed. Breaking up my journey in to 12 x 8 kg bags makes it easier for me to comprehend and celebrate each goal achievement.

It has really helped me on my journey.

When I got close to each 8 kilo milestone, it would motivate me to get to there.

And when you have 96 kilos to lose, breaking that up into smaller achievable goals is critical to me.

Join us in my Facebook Group to share your journey.

Come on and join my private Facebook Group (only members can see what you post). 


New Video - My strategies for getting back on track after a weight gain - Link


Join us at my Facebook motivation and support group (Private) 
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/HealthJourneyOzCommunity/
We now have over 2,800 members!

I'd love to hear about your health journey, so come on and join my private Facebook Group (only members can see what you post). 
There are now over 2,800 members in this group and we would love to hear from you!

More about Terry and his media appearances and interviews - Link 

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